Assynt Crofters Trust
Assynt Crofters Trust

How to Find Us

The North Assynt Estate is located in the Parish of Assynt approximately 100 miles North-West of Inverness.  The nearest village is Lochinver.  


The drive from Inverness to Lochinver is one of the most spectacular runs in Scotland - once seen never forgotten. 


Once here, the coastal run on the B869 from Lochinver to Kylesku is a scenic bonus.  This road runs for about 14 miles through the estate and, with a small diversion, visits all the Townships.


The Trust's office is located alongside Rhu Stoer Village Hall about a mile north of the township of Stoer. 


From April to September the office is open 9am-2pm Monday-Friday, with knowledegable local staff providing visitor information, fishing permits and boat hire. 


There are displays covering the history of the Trust's takeover of the estate, and details of local accommodation providers and other businesses. ACT merchandise - T shirts, mugs, pens, baseball caps and beanie hats - also available for purchase.


Outwith the season, the office is open on Thursday mornings October-March, or by appointment. 

We  welcome any kind of support. If you would like to help, please contact us. You can leave a message of support at the foot of this page, or leave us a donation. Thank you!


Assynt Crofters' Trust

North Assynt Estate
IV27 4JE

Tel: 01571 855298




If leaving a donation, please use reference WS

and leave your name

(so we can say thank you!)

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© Assynt Crofters' Trust